December Principal’s Message

Tēnā koutou, e te whānau o Te Kāreti o te Oneroa o Kahu, Long Bay College,

I am writing this message from a very quiet school and reflecting on a challenging but fruitful year. Never was this highlighted more than at our 48th Academic Prizegiving recently, where many of our community gathered at the Bruce Mason Centre, to celebrate the achievements of our rangatahi, in our classrooms. A huge congratulations must go to all of our prize winners and to all of our students who were perhaps not in attendance, but who applied themselves to achieving levels of personal excellence across 2022.

Congratulations also to both our Proxime Accessit (runner-up) for academic honours, Rosa Katavich, and also to our Dux (first place), Alana Hooton; As always these awards were fiercely contested. We wish both Alana and Rosa and their entire Year 13 cohort all the very best of luck with what they have next in store.

Our junior students completed their year with our first version of ‘Junior Projects’ and feedback regarding this initiative has been very positive. We look forward to refining the 2023 version even further, giving our students the best possible levels of exposure to areas of learning that they would otherwise not have the opportunity to engage in.

Hararei haumaru, hari hoki. Wishing you all a safe and happy holidays.

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Important Dates
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Saturday 5 April
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Monday 28 April
Last Day of Term 1
Friday 11 April
Wednesday 2 - Saturday 5 April
Cultural Festival - Including Multicultural Show and International Food Market
Thursday 27 - Friday 28 March
Summer Tournament
Monday 24 - Friday 28 March
University Overview Sessions
Tuesday 25 February to Tuesday 11 March