Keep up-to-date and read the latest daily notices on Wavelength. Today they feature:
Athletics Day
Athletics Day will take place on Friday 23 February on the main field at Long Bay College (Reserve Rain Day is Monday 26 February). All students will go to their Atawahi class first where the roll will be taken. Junior students Year 9 – 10 must wear their PE uniform and Senior students Year 11… more
Long Bay College Sustainability Council and Ecolution
Are you interested in helping our schools sustainability efforts? Do you like getting into the garden? If so Long Bay’s Sustainability Council and Ecolution are for you. Sustainability Council is one of the many school councils, that meets every Tuesday morning at 7.50am in the Function Room. It is a great leadership opportunity, and a… more
Student Council Application 2024
The Student Council is a great opportunity to represent the student’s views about the school, and work with the school community to develop and enhance the school around its values of Respect, Care, Community and Creativity. It is also a great opportunity to build and grow your leadership skills In 2024 we are looking for… more
Social Badminton
Social Badminton will start on Friday 1st March 3.30pm in the gym. Everyone welcome. Just wear proper gym shoes. No black soles. Rackets and shuttles provided. Any enquiries please see Mr (Smash-shot) Bailey M12
Kapa Haka Practices
Kia ora koutou, we’d like to invite students interested in being part of the school kapa haka group to come to practices every Wednesday morning from 8am until 9am. Kapa haka practices will be held in the whare. Breakfast will be provided each week. Come along and join in. Ngā mihi!
Relay for Life
Relay For Life is an inspiring community event that gives everyone a chance to celebrate cancer survivors and carers; remember loved ones lost to cancer; and fight back by raising awareness and funds for the Cancer Society. Last year, the LBC community did a fantastic job raising over $15,000! We aim to increase that. We… more
Year 11, 12 and 13 Photos
ID and Atawhai photos for all Year 11, 12 and 13 students.