September Principal’s Message

Tēnā koutou, e te whānau o Long Bay College.

It’s lovely to be able to start a Wavelength message with a real focus on what lies ahead of us rather than what we are dealing with in the moment, as we have over the last three years.

May I start by thanking each of our community members who stood for election for our Board of Trustees. It is always fantastic to have more candidates than positions on the Board and I congratulate each of the successful candidates and am looking forward to working with them over the coming years.

The 2022 academic year is quickly drawing to a conclusion for our senior students and although only a short amount of time remaining in the classroom, there are still huge potential gains to be made over the term break and early next term. I can’t stress enough to our community that being present and being engaged is half the battle and that contact time with teachers at this stage of the year is so very precious.

On the other hand, our junior akonga has the launch of our ‘Projects’ initiative to look forward to in Term 4. We are excited about being able to roll out this twice postponed programme aimed at maximising awe, wonder, and engagement for our rangatahi in areas they may otherwise not get an opportunity to be exposed to.

We also look forward to two significant events at the end of the term, namely the Alumni Concert to celebrate the naming of the Perkins Performing Arts Centre after our long-serving member of staff (33 years!), Brendan Perkins. This is followed the next day by our Alumni Sports Day, where students from our past pit their sporting experience against our current crop in 12 games across 7 codes.

Kia okioki haumaru / have a safe break

CJ Healey

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