Term 2 Closing message from the Acting Principal

Tenā koutou, e te whānau ki Te Kāreti o te Oneroa o Kahu/Long Bay College,

It has been my absolute privilege to have been Acting Principal for the later part of Term two. The view of the school from the Principals office is honestly a special one. Long Bay College students are a genuinely fantastic bunch of young people, our staff equally so.  That is so very visible at school events such as our School Ball. My sincere thanks to Mr Mike Lewis and the team of students and staff who put on a wonderful night.

I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate all of our students and staff who were involved in delivering our school production “Chicago”. It was quite simply an outstanding example and showcase of what Long Bay College students and staff can do. Our school value of “Creativity” writ large for all to see.

Term 3 will bring a renewed focus on academics and students achieving their personal excellence.  The build towards final assessments, School and National exams all escalating in earnest.

Ahead of that I wish all a safe and happy break.

Ngā mihi nui

Mr James Heneghan

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