Term 3 Closing message from the Principal

Tēnā koutou, e te whānau ki Te Kāreti o te Oneroa o Kahu/Long Bay College.

As we head towards the end of Term 3, there is much to celebrate at school, as well as much to consider about the future.

Our senior students have just completed their senior exams and workshops and in the new term will be readying themselves for the final push towards NCEA Level 1, 2, 3, or University Entrance and NZQA Scholarship success. The term break is often a great time for reassessing study plans, refocusing, and reevaluating how best to tackle the challenges ahead, all safe in the knowledge that it is never too late to improve. I encourage all of our parents and caregiver whānau to engage with your children and provide any additional motivation that may help your youngsters towards the results of which they are capable. For our junior students, their exams are soon in Term 4, so again, a great opportunity for each of them to prepare well.

The last day of term sees our annual Alumni Sports Day, with many of our ex-students returning to pit their skills against our current students, many of whom have returned on the back of successful performances across the country during National Tournament Week.

Special mentions go to Rumpus Machine, a band made up of the four Hyde siblings who not only won the best Band award at the recent Stand Up Stand Out competition (SUSO), but also the Best Artist category too. In addition, congratulations to Stella Voce, our girls’ choir, who won a Tūī “Gold Award’ at the Big Sing’s Cadenza Awards. We acknowledge the hard work, dedication, practice, and teaching that support such successes.

Thank you to all in our community for your continued support, and I wish you a safe term break and a wonderful Term 4.

Ngā mihi nui

CJ Healey


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