Long Bay College’s first School Based Teacher Training
Kia Ora, Ko Jess toku ingoa. Jess Munt was selected as Long Bay College’s first ‘School-Based Teacher...
Keeping up with Long Bay College
CREATIVITY AND COMMUNITY  ‘Preview Exhibition’ Two of Long Bay College’s core values...

Attention all musicians!

If you play an instrument and are interested in joining a rock band this year, head over to the music...

Wednesday 19 February

Please note the Year 9 & 10 Junior Girls Football Trials will be held on Wednesday, 19 February from 3.30 – 5pm at Ashley Reserve –...

Are you interested in Box-fit?? Our 2025 sessions have started this week at LBC. Come along and join the fun:  Girls’ classes are...

Important Dates
NCEA Information Evening
Thursday 6 March
Whānau Hui Evening
Tuesday, 25 February
Year 9 Atawhai Parent Evening
Tuesday, 25 February
Athletics Day